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This piece is part of my anemone series. The weaving on this piece almost undulates like an anemone fastened to a rock in a tide pool. My work is process and materials driven. These sculptures begin with a walk in the woods. I harvest bark from the Big Leaf Maple tree which grows in abundance in Oregon. Cutting down a trunk doesn't harm the tree because the trunks grow in clumps. The bark is peeled and dried for storage. As a length of bark is selected it's then cut to size and soaked to shape. The maple bark is pieced together entirely by hand forged copper pins and threaded with 4, 7 and 12 ply waxed linen. The weaving is a basketry technique, twining, which forms the upper portion of the piece. Sometimes the bark is died with black walnut stain and then rubbed with bees wax for protection

Waxed linen, maple bark wood, black walnut stain, hand forged copper pins/patina


    My Mission

    Basketmaking is a meditation as well as an artform. Crafting each item requires patience, time and an appreciation for the materials at hand.

    My handcrafted baskets and plates are woven from natural materials that give them strength and durability that will stand the test of time. With their woven designs and stylings, I’m able to imbue each piece with a range of captivating colors and patterns.

    © Copyright 2022 Sally Metcalf Basket Art, All rights reserved. 

    Sally Metcalf Basket Art


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